Are you a university or college student looking for an opportunity to take a deep dive into the Bible and faith-related issues? If you are, then Illumine is the group for you! It strives to bring university and college students and other young adults together for dialogue and conversation.
Host Luke Thompson (M.A. Philosophy, M.Div), has taught courses in philosophy and Christian apologetics (the defense of the faith) at Bethany Lutheran College and Wisconsin Lutheran College. He is now a pastor at St. Paul in Ottawa, Canada, and lectures internationally on pop culture, philosophy, and Christianity, teaching college students and young adults how to make sense of pop culture in a Christian context.
- There are discussions on pop culture, philosophy, different religions, science, and history.
- There are Film and Theology nights, pop culture presentations, and much more.
- People are encouraged to bring their friends to enjoy an evening both intellectually challenging, yet socially relaxing.
Although events primarily target college and university students, they are open to all young adults (members and non-members) who might like to attend!
Lots of refreshments and good discussions are guaranteed.
If you’re up for the challenge, then come along and join in. Check out the Illumine agenda on their website . You can also find out more by checking them out on Facebook .